Wednesday 17 June 2009

Why hello again people!

Hi it's me again!

I don't really know who I'm talking too as have not yet worked out how to get people to read my blog, and how to read other peoples blog, however I did manage to follow someone, so thats good. Oh dear lord I sound like a stalker! I mean in the blog sense- let's just shut up about that for the moment!

Anyway what have I been doing today? First off school. Started with French urgh! It may be the language of love but It's sure not romantic learning it! However I sit next to two of my best friends, so that's good, one of thems getting a haircut tonight, so I'll tell you about that tomorrow! Learn to learn is a complete waste of time- basically worksheets and watching videos! :D

Listend to the radio. On radio one (yes I listen to the radio!) they were talking about the films that make men cry! I don't know why it's so bad for men to cry at movies as I do all the time! Actually some of the films mentioned were actually quite sad! Top Gun- I cried too when Goose died! Plus there was the Shawshank Redemption, which admitedly, I only saw 10 seconds of, but it still made cry, it was the scene where the old man who was realeased from prison, hangs himself. Oh and I also cried at that disney Robin Hood film, you know the one with the foxes. Mind you that was when I was 5 and I thought it was terrifying. If you want a weepie film, I recomend Have dreams will travel, and also Stand by Me, which is a classic in my oppinion.

How sad is this, my wild night has included, eating a gregs cheese and onion pasty, writing this blog, and watching the Simpsons! Chop Chop Dig Dig!!! LOL! I'm always quoting Scrubs too, I swear I'm going to marry J.D sneak hug!

What other random things can I talk about? Oh yes does anyone else love comedian Russel Howsard? "Wouldn't it be amazing if the queen woke up, pulled the covers right up to her chin, and said , Look Phillip, I'm a postage stamp!"

Just a minute I need to change the channel, I'm not watching Hollyoaks!

Right have got to go my super sweet 16 presents exiled is on

pip pip

please comment to let me know this is actually being read.